Color schemes
This logo uses the analogous color scheme, using the colors green, lime green, and yellow. I think it uses these colors to show an optimistic, Eco-friendly oil company.
This logo uses the Analogous color scheme, using the colors green, lime and teal. I think it uses these colors to show a healthy, Eco-friendly and reliable company that is welcoming.
This logo uses the complimentary color scheme, using blue and orange. I think that they use these colors to show that they're welcoming, trustworthy and youthful; also that they're confident.
This logo uses the complimentary color scheme, using red and green. I think they use these colors to show that they're energetic, yet harmonious. Red is also used to invoke hunger in people.
This logo uses the warm color scheme, using the colors red and yellow. I think that they use these colors because they want to invoke hunger in people, show that they're energetic yet kid friendly, and optimistic.
this logo uses the warm color scheme, and uses the colors red and yellow. I think they use these colors to show that they're energetic, aggressive, yet successful and friendly.
This logo uses the cool color scheme, using the colors teal and blue. I think they use these colors to represent the ocean, and show that they're a trustworthy company thats inviting.
This logo uses the cool color scheme, using the color blue. I think they used this in order to keep the user awake, make them feel welcome on the sight and invoke a trustworthy feeling.
This logo uses the monochromatic color scheme, using the color blue. I think they use this to make twitter seem inviting and trustworthy.
This logo uses the monochromatic color scheme, using the color green. I think that they use these colors to make the channel Eco-friendly, healthy and enviormental.
This logo uses the triad color scheme, using the colors pink, indigo and yellow. I think that they use these colors to show that they're optimistic, inviting and energetic.
This logo uses the triad color scheme, using the colors red, blue and yellow. I think that they use these colors to invoke hunger, energy, and show that they're optimistic and welcoming.
Good job, Audrey!