The Final Blog of Freshman Year
This quarter was interesting to say the very least. I had to deal with so much stupidity, bullcrap and drama that I'm just so exhausted. I had to make a product with three, okay no TWO other people, since one didn't even do anything. The product was a virtual reality vine glasses, or as we like to call them, Vinels.
essentially, we had to make a commercial, animation, website, and logo. we had to do so much, and I had to do most of the work. I acted in the commercial, made some of the animations, made the logo and let everyone else do the website.the entire project took overall the entire quarter. we endured a lot of challenges.
for one, out "leader" couldn't even lead, so I had to do it. second, I did a lot of the work and ideas. I probably could have done this aline. three, one of our workers didn't even contribute, and someone from another group had to help. might I add, said person wasn't even a part of our group, so I don't see why they should have been interacting with us.
I learned patience. I had to be really patient with this group. even now, as I write this, I have to use patience. everyone asks me "how long did the project take?" like, can you figure that out for yourself?
I learned that i'm gonna not like people, and that's okay. I still have to respect them.
I also learned one of my team members talks bad about me behind my back, so that' something I have to deal with.
we were told that I shouldn't do the entire speech. But I had to anyway, because the person I was sharing the presentation with froze up and would not improvise their way through it like I advised if worse came to worst.
we had to change a lot with the product, since one of our clips wasn't appropriate, despite our best efforts to censor. we had to change basically everything, and the commercial was wonky because of it. if our instructors told us a few weeks before, it would have been fine. but they told us the LITERAL DAY BEFORE it was due. I wasn't happy.
I loved first, second and third quarter. But fourth? I'm not satisfied. I didn't have a right group, I don't know why anyone thought I would be good working with them.
please, never put me with them again.
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