
Showing posts from December, 2017

My Own Website

 The Process Remember when I said that making a logo was a wild ride? yeah, I was really wrong on that. T his one was a wild, wild ride. For my final, I had to make my own website, from almost scratch, with only the guidance of a few videos. So with that, sit back, relax and allow me to explain to you the absolute wild ride of making the website. Generally what happened Okay, so at first, I was sick. I was a day behind on the project, so I was a bit scrunched on time. I made it work though, and I'm really proud of that. I fist had to watch the first video, and name my files, and organize them. It was surprisingly therapeutic, really. That's the weird thing about this.  I then had to adjust a thing or two in Dreamweaver, and name a thing or two like the links, the title, how it's gonna look on certain cites. what made this such a wild ride is that dreamweaver is a really, really difficult program to work with, if you aren't a very good programmer or w...

Elevator Pitch

Hey, did you know I’m starting my own webcomic? No? well I am. Would you be willing to sponsor it? I have great creative and writing skills, and I’m really positive about it. I work really quickly, sir. If there’s a deadline for a chapter, I’ll totally get it done on time, I promise. I’m also really quick to learn things, trust me on that one. If you introduce me to a new art program, I’ll learn how it works within a few hours, and I’ll make at least something. I’m also a really good artist, as well. I draw in a fun and cartoony style that’s great to please anyone. I also rarely talk, so another bonus to hiring me is that you’ll rarely ever hear from me unless I need something. Here’s a way to contact me. This is my email, my Instagram, my number, my tumblr, my google plus. Feel free to ask questions! Here’s my card as well. (this is where I exit the elevator, recovering from my crippling social anxiety)

My Very Own Logo

the process Let me tell you. This one was a wild ride. At first, I really wanted a lilac alien (a wink and a nod to my alias online as an artist) with clouds and stars as a gradient (to show I was up in space all the time). However, my illustrator skills are relatively sub par, and my brain just shut down at that point. So, aliens were out of the question. But what was something else that I really liked, and was simple to draw with a mouse? cats. Yes, that's right. The final logo is this: Look at her, isn't she a beauty? This logo took little to no skill at all, and doing everything took me less than a day. Isn't that crazy?! I started out by drawing a black and white version, then other different colored versions, which looked like this: imagine if I actually used one of these... The one I chose didn't have a name when I saved this, I don't know why that happened. Just ignore it. Anyway, I chose the top right one. The reason of the colors a...