My Own Website
The Process Remember when I said that making a logo was a wild ride? yeah, I was really wrong on that. T his one was a wild, wild ride. For my final, I had to make my own website, from almost scratch, with only the guidance of a few videos. So with that, sit back, relax and allow me to explain to you the absolute wild ride of making the website. Generally what happened Okay, so at first, I was sick. I was a day behind on the project, so I was a bit scrunched on time. I made it work though, and I'm really proud of that. I fist had to watch the first video, and name my files, and organize them. It was surprisingly therapeutic, really. That's the weird thing about this. I then had to adjust a thing or two in Dreamweaver, and name a thing or two like the links, the title, how it's gonna look on certain cites. what made this such a wild ride is that dreamweaver is a really, really difficult program to work with, if you aren't a very good programmer or w...