
Showing posts from August, 2017

Sidewalk Chalk Project

let's get this introduced. We all learn something from a team building project. even if it's little to nothing, you still get something into your somewhat undeveloped teenage brain. what I learned I learned very little. given, I already had a good idea of symbolism and colors, but then again, I actually had no idea the sheer amount of symbolism in everything. even olives have something in them (in case you never knew, it means peace or victory- no wonder olive oil is so great!) but I digress. color is rather important too, as we all know. Red often represents anger, blue sadness, white purity. you get the gist of it. let's get this process explained! I'm actually rather unsure how we incorporated this process into the sketching part of the project, so I may nitpick to get this part. Michael decided to put red streaks on the pure white feathers of our glorious, dancing, viola playing potato (whatever a viola is.) which, I assume would mean we flew away with ange...